Damian's Place

Welcome to Damiansplace.net

I'm pleased, that I can host You on my site.

This site rose in the low moment of my life, when I needed to run away from things that outgrew me and probably that's the reason for such a content. You'll find in here things that provide that warm heart feeling, those which let the moment of reflection, as well as that ones which can be useful to you.

Briefly - where and what.

In Reflection you'll find texts, which made, that tear spun in my eye, at the time of writing them. Feel invited to read them, and if you'd like to share something that's on your mind, you're welcome to share them with others (they don't have to be poems). You can have your part in making that section grow. By quotations please add info about source and how can I make that your friends will have a chance to recognize you. Share your reflections.

PC Help - problems with PC, are you afraid of catching virus and want to protect it?? Have a closer look in that section. I'll share my basic knowledge with you about it. How to protect your computer cheap and successful, how to make your Internet connection to run again on the previous speed, how to make your browser to display sites again? PC Help is your choice.

I invite you as well to visit Gallery on Damian's Place.net. Lots of interesting pictures, with views from the window of a plane, see how "Icarus Dream" became truth, fireworks on Halloween's Day, and pictures of my beloved city - Gryfino. Bit other view of photography you'll find in "Painting with Light" gallery.

On my site I placed few safe scripts written in JavaScript. They aren't nessesary to browse that site, but I'm convinced, that they add unique feeling, so feel safe to switch it on.
As you can see on the bottom of almost every page, I made every effort, so that they obey rules and standards,as well as that every page shall be rendered in the same way in all popular browsers, at the same time trying to prove it, if you'll find any mistakes please send me notice about it and I'll try to fix them.
Sites are written in XHTML, which at this moment becomes (or already is) standard of websites.
As well I put big pressure that all my sites will be as "light" as possible (small files), to make my site available to those of you who use modem connections. I hope, that I will be able to add you to group of frequent visitors to my site.
I wish you pleasant time with my site